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LETTER: City of Courtenay making it difficult to pay taxes

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

On Thursday, June 4, I drove over to the City of Courtenay to inquire about deferring a portion of my 2020 property taxes and applying for the homeowners’ grant for seniors as I did last year. I was met by a security Guard who informed me that the building was closed because of the coronavirus and that I could drop off payment in the drop off slot or go online to have my inquiries addressed.

He also informed me that he could not go into the building even to use the washroom! When I returned home I tried to access the information by phone and online. I was unable to speak to anyone due to the “high volume of calls.”

Unlike other B.C. cities, the City of Courtenay is insisting that all property taxes be paid by July 2, 2020 or taxpayers will be assessed a penalty. It is as if the whole coronavirus situation never happened!

I find it very strange that in the City of Courtenay I can get a tattoo, buy cannabis, go to a hairdresser, eat and drink in restaurants, go to a dentist or get my teeth cleaned, etc. (all with no social distancing) however in a city building where it would be easy to have social distancing that building is closed.

Even Canada Revenue Agency recognizes the hardship the virus has caused especially to seniors and they have deferred payment of personal income tax until Sept. 1, 2020.

Eleanor Peters,


Do you have an opinion you’d like to share? Email letters@comoxvalleyrecord.com

Comox Valley Record