It’s turtle season! This one is trying to cross at Red Devil Hill, near the airport. The Williamson Lake/Airport Marsh is home to one of the most northern populations of the Western Painted Turtle. The species is blue-listed, meaning it’s vulnerable. It’s the only freshwater native turtle to B.C. Females cross Airport Road in Revelstoke from late May to early July to lay their eggs on the hill behind. According to Facebook comments, residents said this turtle may not have survived the road crossing as one was seen yesterday dead in the middle of the road. (Photo by Steve Olsson)

LETTER: City should do more to protect the turtles

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Dear editor,

The city should put larger signs, even one of those small flashing lights notifying people of the turtles and the speed limit should only be 20 from Red devil hill all the way to the airport. Fines for any one caught running over a turtle of $5000 – $25000 for killing endangered wildlife.

-Gordon Frocklage, Revelstoke

READ MORE: Slow down for turtles Revelstoke

READ MORE: Resident nudges Revelstoke to install new turtle crossing signs

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