Letter: City should reward those who conserve water

Letter: City should reward those who conserve water

I am inviting all Salmon Arm voters who practise water conservation by eliminating their lawn to work together this election and move the City of Salmon Arm into the 21st century.

I am inviting all Salmon Arm voters who practise water conservation by eliminating their lawn to work together this election and move the City of Salmon Arm into the 21st century.

Since at least 1999, all new houses were required to install a water meter. But why? They are not read.

We do not all pay the same for hydro. We have meters and pay for what we use. When fuelling our vehicles we don’t all pay the same amount. We pay for what we use. So why not the same for water?

Governments are instituting carbon taxes so people cut down on consumption of fossil fuels. When folks know there is a fee based on consumption they become more economically minded. The same principal applies to water. Most certainly once water consumption is metered and charged on that basis, the need for water restrictions during the summer will be a thing of the past.

Related: City water reservoirs too low

The problem is that this city penalizes rather than rewards conservationists. I water no lawns, or even shrubs, yet I pay the same rate as someone who waters a half-acre lawn.

Now, the council contenders will tell us it is too costly or impractical to institute meter reading for only some homes. But there already is some use of meters for water as I saw a notice this summer that “metered water fees are due.” It is a very simple thing to do. Continue to charge those homes without meters the usual annual rate. Charge those homes that have meters based on usage.

Considering how many homes have been built within the last 20 years, well over half of Salmon Arm dwellings have water meters. If we can send people to the moon and bring them safely back, we can certainly institute a system that works. To keep costs down, do not hire a person to read meters every month, read them annually.

If a tenant is moving, have the meter read. If no change in tenant, read yearly. Where oh where are those seeking to be on council with some vision?

Alfred Schalm

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