Letter: City shows lack of compassion with sidewalk bylaw

I cannot get the lack of compassion of city council to persecute the homeless off my mind.

To the editor:

I have read, from caring people, several letters in the media chastising council. I did not come across a single letter from Scrooge.

I was reading about a thankful and graceful young mother having difficulty buying formula and diapers, who was thankful for the food bank.

She said Kelowna has a supportive community that cares for its most vulnerable.

Well you could count city council and mayor out.

They are doing their well-paid part-time job and taking care of business.

A group of fat cat business people chose and recommended them to voters in the press over all other candidates seeking election.

What are the reasons given by council? Well, people (businesses) are complaining about the walkways being clogged.

Can the mayor or any councillor give an honest answer why the decision to fine homeless people was made and what kind of logic was used?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mo Rajabally, Kelowna


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