Dear Editor,
I whole heartedly agree Heather Harvey [City taxes cost seniors meals, Langley Advance Times, June 5 Letters].
My taxes went up $400 in 2018 and $481 in 2019.
In 2017 my taxes were $898.17 and this year they $1779.74. That’s a 90 per cent increase over two years!
This is outright gouging. Shame on the City. They knew the assessments that were done last July were inaccurate, and I thought they would adjust the taxes accordingly, but no, they decided to take a tax grab on condos that are mostly owned by seniors who don’t get much of a raise on their pensions.
One thing they could do to save money is to not bother having town halls to tell residents about the plans they have for an area, for instance the corner of Michaud Crescent and 201A Street.
People were against the poles they put up and the speed bumps. They didn’t listen to anyone, because their minds were already made up – which is a waste of taxpayers’ dollars.
They’re going to do whatever they plan to do, regardless of the folks who live in the area and know what the issues are.
Now we have cars cutting through and speeding down 55A Avenue and 201st Street, which has a park speed limit, to avoid the speed bumps on 201A and Michaud. That is what we told them would happen.
Why can’t they have the police set up radar and hand out tickets?
They have more plans for Michaud, and I think they should leave it alone. It would probably end up with less parking, which is badly needed, with all the new condos going up in the area.
We are going to be watching the council. They could be voted out by all the grey-haired people.
Sherri Stacy, Langley
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