A former client credits her 33 years of sobriety and happiness to all the care she received over the years at Pathways.

LETTER: Client credits 33 years of sobriety to Pathways staff

"Nothing could replace Pathways either in efficiency or in value for cost."


This is an open letter to Carl Meadows , Director of Clinical Health at Interior Health,

I was deeply disappointed to hear of the decision by Interior Health, to close Pathways Drug and Alcohol Counselling Centre in Penticton.

Some 33 years ago I was a practicing alcoholic/addict whose life was in turmoil. Before finding Pathways, I tried all available avenues through government programs, to get help with my problems. The wait list was long and I received no help. My sponsor in AA recommended I call Pathways. I did and got an appointment soon after.

I received counselling for months until Pathways was able to get me into treatment in Vancouver. Both of these were life saving processes and helped me to get my life on track. Over the next few years of counselling at Pathways, I was able to understand the source of my problems and to establish a lifestyle that was healthy and rewarding for me and my family. My husband and son both benefited from Pathways services as well and our family is still alcohol and drug free!

I am forever grateful to Pathways and its amazing counsellors, who are still working there today. They are so committed to helping people who are struggling in their lives and have made personal sacrifices for their clients.

It is my sincere opinion that nothing could replace Pathways either in efficiency or in value for cost. To lose such a well established service, over 40 years, in our community would be a serious step backwards, especially in light of the current drug overdose crisis. I sincerely hope you will reconsider this decision and recognize Pathways vital contribution to this community.

Jessica and Joe Klein


Penticton Western News