Oak Bay Watch in their June 1 newsletter announced their intention to hold an all-candidates meeting in September for the upcoming municipal election. This is concerning as Oak Bay Watch has not been a neutral commentator on local politics.
In the same newsletter previously mentioned, Oak Bay Watch praises some councillors by name while refusing to refer to Mayor Nils Jensen, and “his supporting Councillors,” by their names. They then proceed to promote council candidate Esther Patterson for several sentences. This lack of respect and clear endorsement shows their political bias.
Oak Bay Watch at this point should not be considered a neutral arbitrator. If they intend on holding this debate, they will have to change their rhetoric to a more unbiased approach. The Community Association of Oak Bay has held all-candidates debates and conferences on important issues in our community; however, they have not supported any candidates in elections nor do they sign the end of each newsletter with “Time for a Change” like Oak Bay Watch does.
Unless Oak Bay Watch adopts a more balanced and less divisive message in their newsletters, they should not host an all-candidates meeting.
Sean Stinson
Oak Bay