LETTER – Comox council completely ignored residents’ concerns regarding Aspen Road development

Barb Tribe's eloquent and totally factual description of Comox town council behaviour in approving unanimously third reading of the Aspen Murrelet proposed development should cause a total embarrassment to each council member.

Barb Tribe’s eloquent and totally factual description of Comox town council behaviour in approving unanimously third reading of the Aspen Murrelet proposed development should cause a total embarrassment to each council member.

But first we should recognize her comments will once again raise the spectre of boomer entitlement, not-in-my backyard, together with no room for renters in our neighbourhood. So let’s cut to the chase here and accurately represent the true facts of the neighbourhood concerns presented to council and at the same time address the spectres of doom and gloom.

I personally was one of the 10 residents present to hear each councillor’s rationale for their approval. Shocking display of totally out of touch reality or concern for what their electorate has been telling them for over seven months now. Not a single councillor acknowledged or gave an iota of credence to Comox residents’ concerns. Worse still with one lady councillor and I quote “I do not buy into the argument this development will be a haven for crime and hooliganism.”

Excuse me Madam Councillor please read the transcripts! This was never brought up as an argument against this development; totally false. So here is what is not false.

The residents were in favour of development. Residents were in favour of providing much needed rental accommodation. Residents asked council to approve a three-storey building not a four-storey building. Those families and seniors who make their homes in the many neighbourhoods understand the additional road infrastructure demand by the incremental vehicles this proposed development will produce. All that was asked of council was to be proactive and mitigate traffic chaos by approval of a three-storey development. That’s it, plain and simple.

Town council, are you going to do what you were elected to do – which is take into consideration what the residents of Comox want for their town?

John Peglau,


Comox Valley Record