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LETTER – Comox resident in support of lowering the speed limit on Lazo Road

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I am definitely in favour of lowering the speed limit in the Coastal Dunes Area on Lazo Road to 30 km/h. I define the ‘Coastal Dunes Area’ as the area on the water side of Lazo Road between Hutton and Knight Roads. The spectacular view on that section of road is the reason for the high volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and it should be enjoyed by all… and it should be enjoyed safely.

As it exists now, with the speed limit of 50, pedestrians, bicyclists, vehicles, etc. are at risk because those around them are travelling too fast. The Town of Comox declines to make a bylaw lowering the speed limit. The sheer volume of usage indicates that the existing speed limit should be lowered to accommodate same.

Reduction of the speed limit in the area is the first step to safe enjoyment by all, but must be accompanied by enforcement. Police enforcement is one method but it can be sporadic and should be combined with other means of enforcement such as traffic calming, which is effective and works every minute of every day. Speed humps are probably one of the most commonly used traffic calming measures but they are noisy so other methods should be used.

Everyone, with a few exceptions, driving on Lazo Road is there for ‘the best view in the Valley.’ Why not slow down and enjoy it, and let the others around one enjoy it too?

Judy M. Morrison,


Comox Valley Record