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LETTER – Comox Valley swimming pool booking procedure allowed for unlimited reservations

Swimming pool completely booked for entire year within hours of new system launching

Dear editor,

I am a fairly new resident of the Comox Valley but I have been a frequent user of the community pools. Swimming has been my main exercise and it was disappointing to have the pools closed due to COVID. Now that the Comox Valley Sports Centre has reopened, I was excited to begin swimming in the pool again. The lake, rivers and ocean have been a good substitute but the weather is getting colder.

Unfortunately, when I went on the site to book my time slot online, the system was not functioning.

The website that I was directed to through the article in the Record ( seemed to have no idea what I was attempting to do on the site. Calling the pool gave me no response. So, I was miles behind anyone who was lucky enough to get onto the booking site and book their time slots. Apparently the opening of the booking site happened at midnight. So, cheers to all of you who managed to get through. Now, I discover that all time slots are currently booked until the end of the year. The booking site was wide open for people to book as many time slots as they wanted, once a day, three times a week, for as many months ahead as was foreseeable. No thought was given to those who had no opportunity to be the “first” to get in line. I can only hope that if the Aquatic Centre reopens in the near future that the management has the foresight to limit each client to a reasonable number of time slots per month. Maybe then the rest of us will have an opportunity to once again pursue our exercise regime at the pool.

Shenta Arnold,


Comox Valley Record