Letter: Concerns about vote tampering

Letter: Concerns about vote tampering

Does our vote always get counted?

Does our vote always get counted?

The City of Vancouver uses an automated voting system called the AccuVote. Global Election Management System (GEMS) is computerized vote-counting machines that can have a decimal or fractional vote feature embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes and could be counted as fractions instead of whole numbers.

Related: BC cabinet approves multi-choice voting referendum

The decimalized vote feature built into GEMS makes it possible to instruct the voting system to produce a ‘landslide,’ a squeaker, or just a solid but controversial win.

This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room watching the computer and one programmer could steal millions of votes with the stroke of a key.

For more information, go to Black Box Voting.org.

How is the 2018 Referendum on Electoral Reform going to turn out?

Take a guess.

Kelvin Bond

@SalmonArmnewsroom@saobserver.netLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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