About 80 demonstrators walked through Hope with signs in support of saving the Station House. (Photo/Christian Ward)

LETTER: Council should meet with the coalition

Arlene Webster of Hope applauds sustained efforts to save the Station House

Editor’s note: This letter has been edited for length.

Dear Editor:

On March 20, 2021, the Coalition for the Preservation of the Hope Station House hosted a rally in support of retaining the Hope Station House versus destroying it.

Over 80 people attended waving placards and encouraging passing vehicles to participate by honking their horns. This physical show of support is in addition to the more than 80 letters written to Council and the 2,275 signatures on our petition all of which support retaining the Station House and repurposing it as the new Information Center on Water Avenue.

The District of Hope Council declared under By-law No. 633 (1982) that:

“The Building known as the Hope Canadian National Railway Station is hereby designated as a municipal heritage site.”

Objective 7.10 in the 2018 Integrated Official Community Plan (IOCP) states we are:

“To remember and celebrate our history [2018 IOCP, p. 59].”

Objective 7.10.1 in the 2018 IOCP states that we:

“Encourage conservation and support the retention of significant heritage buildings and other historic resources under the British Columbia Heritage Conservation Act. [2018 IOCP, p. 59].”

If Council wishes to act in a manner different from what is defined by the IOCP and our bylaws, then it must amend both documents before doing so, not after.

The Station House is like an old growth forest – when it’s logged off it’s gone forever.

I ask Hope Mayor and council: become the heroes, listen to the citizens, and meet with the coalition to talk about solutions.


Arlene Webster


Hope Standard