

LETTER: Council should reject EcoSociety request

From reader Jeff Shecter…

Re: “EcoSociety asks council to waive market fees” (July 5)

What on earth can the EcoSociety be thinking in asking for relief from city taxpayers for their rental fees at the market?

They are for all intents and purposes a mall. They charge fees to every vendor, based on their own internal formula and that is how they make money.

If they are running at a loss, then either they can cut costs or raise their table fees, or get out of the business altogether. In fact, many of the owners I talked to this past Saturday, had no clue that the EcoSociety had made this request in their name, and some even thought their table fee was a bit low.

Why should taxpayers subsidize any of these private businesses? Their request is even more laughable with a supposed waiting list of 60 vendors wanting to be at the market, One would think that market-based thinking would somehow permeate the management of the EcoSociety. My hope is that councillors vote a resounding no to this request.

Jeff Shecter


Nelson Star