To the Editor,
The COVID-19 pandemic, despite being devastating to many families and businesses, offers some opportunity too.
Hotels, motels, restaurants and many businesses that have had to close to the public should be utilizing the federal and provincial funding programs to keep themselves and many of their employees gainfully employed by doing all the maintenance, repairs and upgrades that are hard to do when operating or with customers coming and going.
Cleaners, paint, filler and glue are cheap. Hand tools are common.
I would hope when those that survive re-open, the walls are freshly painted. The door handles and hinges are newly tightened and secured.
Kitchens and coolers are immaculate.
The lights and light fixtures are clean and secure.
Floors, doors, walls, entrances are clean and freshly painted.
Chairs, tables and display cases are likewise in A1 condition.
The opportunity to do these things seldom, if ever, occurs, and the need to keep people employed and getting a pay cheque has never been more important.
Make lemonade out of lemons.
Bob Cole,
Port Alberni