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LETTER – Cycle-only commuter fears for her well-being while travelling on Condensory Road

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I’m glad to see the recent coverage of the CV Cycling Coalition’s top cycling improvements. I am a cycle-only commuter/rider using the Condensory Road entrance into Courtenay from my home in Dove Creek. That particular stretch includes a long blind corner bend, at least 15 seconds in which I have to be in the vehicle lane – no shoulders. Being on a bike, I can hear the cars and trucks approaching but they can’t see me.

The worst are the big gravel hauling rigs. They are hauling from the Browns River gravel yards, and take that back road into town, sometimes bearing down on me, honking. Many drivers are respectful, but I’ve been really scared at times. Apparently, these trucks are supposed to use the new bypass, but it’s faster going this short cut. And you know these drivers work on a per-load payment.

Please, find the money to put shoulders on this 1.5-kilometre section of road – before I’m killed.


Susan Holvenstot,

Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record