An $80,000 backdrop for the Quesnel gold pan was approved as part of the city’s capital budget. (Cassidy Dankochik Photo - Quesnel Cariboo Observer)

LETTER: Debate around gold pan should not die down

Betty Beaven calls for the gold pan to be returned to its original location

RE: Jan. 27, 2021 “gold pan location”

A back drop at the cost of $80,000 was suggested. I assume this is to make the present location more pleasing to the eye.

I remember well the beautiful “backdrop” that was in the original location. It advertised the “Gold Pan City” and the goldfields which were the start of Quesnel.

The debate “won’t die down” nor should it.

Our citizens are being pushed around by a “silent majority” and I for one would like to know who this “silent majority” is and did they actually consider an appropriate location where people would see it? Were the museum and the Billy Barker organizers even consulted about putting that thing where people would see and admire it or did the “silent majority” just think a big,white monstrosity should sit by a railroad track?

Well, I will “stop dithering” and try to “get on with it.”

-Betty Beaven

Editor’s note: Quesnel city council approved supporting a gold pan backdrop during their Feb. 2 meeting.

READ MORE: Quesnel gold pan discussion flares during council’s capital plan debate

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