An undated picture of the Hope Station House. There is currently a resident-driven movement to ask for a stay of demolition while funding sources are sought to restore the Station House to its former glory. (Photo/Save The Hope Station House)

LETTER: Destroying the Station House causes many losses

Ron Spence of Penticton finds the Station House demolition disgusting


What a shocking and short-sighted decision it is to demolish the historic railway station. Where is the political will to broker a deal between all parties in this situation? Don’t politicians do things in the long-range good for their constituents anymore? It’s impossible for me to understand how such a perfect spot, such a perfect old structure and such an ideal purpose could not be a matter for community agreement. Frankly, I find it disgusting.

If there wasn’t a more perfect spot in the entire province to situate a B.C. travel information centre that is, as we know, one of the busiest in the province, I’ve never seen it. Not only that, it has one of our province’s most visited tourist stops (Othello Tunnels and anything KVR) within a couple of miles of the site, and all major routes have easy access and parking.

There is no better way to showcase one’s community than to have an attractive, accessible and culturally relevant tourist information centre. The community (at large) tie-ins are mind-boggling. The benefits for all are potentially amazing, and you are going to tear it down for want of a politically brokered deal that would benefit the citizenry for many years. This is madness and those involved in the decision should be ashamed.

As one who visits and passes through and into your town often, I am so saddened by your council’s decision and I hope you agree.

Ron Spence


Hope Standard