

LETTER: Development will change character of Cordova Bay neighbourhood

I am writing with regards to a proposed development on Doumac Road. As longtime residents of Cordova Bay we are concerned that approval of this project will drastically change the characteristics of the neighbourhood.

I am writing with regards to a proposed development on Doumac Road. As longtime residents of Cordova Bay we are concerned that approval of this project will drastically change the characteristics of the neighbourhood.

The proposal contradicts fundamental components of the Local Area Plan. The Local Area Plan identifies lands considered suitable for multi family dwellings. The subject properties were not identified as suitable. The applicant proposes to replace two single family residences with 25 condominium units. In order to achieve this density, clear-cutting of more than 25 existing mature trees needs to take place. The design and density of the project does not match form and character of the neighbourhood, where existing multi-storey, multi-family structures are set back either adjacent to significant elevation changes in the topography or behind existing low-rise buildings and nestled within mature tall trees.

Currently, proposals are in place within the Cordova Bay neighbourhood to construct over 450 multi-family residents. Completion of these projects should more than meet the needs for higher multi-family density for years to come. The applicant of the Doumac properties is requesting that a complete new zoning bylaw be created along with variances to accommodate this project. We are concerned that approval of the project will set an irreversible precedent, not only in Cordova Bay but the rest of Saanich.

Additionally, approval of the proposal for the Doumac properties will eliminate two single-family dwellings which could be considered as entry- level homes for young families wishing to transition from condominium/townhouse developments. Homes of this type are becoming a scarce commodity in this and many other neighbourhoods within Saanich.

In short, we are opposed to this development for the following reasons:

The proposal is in conflict with the existing Local Area Plan.

The proposal requires the elimination of all vegetation on the subject property and the removal of several trees on adjacent properties.

The proposal requires Saanich to create a totally new zoning to accommodate the project. Clearly there are many options available for the developer to choose from which would be better suited to the properties and lessen the impact on the neighbourhood. There are many examples of higher density multi-family projects in the neighbourhood, that blend in and match the character of the area. Clearly the existing proposal is profit motivated with no regard for neighbourhood concerns.

The proposal eliminates two “entry level” single family homes in the neighbourhood, something which is very short supply.

Steve and Janis Corner


Saanich News