Letter writer John Winter believes that if the speed limit along 16 Avenue were raised to 80 km/h, there would be fewer accidents. You can weigh in on the subject on our online poll.

Letter writer John Winter believes that if the speed limit along 16 Avenue were raised to 80 km/h, there would be fewer accidents. You can weigh in on the subject on our online poll.

Letter: Difference in vehicles’ speeds is where danger lies

Editor: Re: Anti-speeding campaign ramped up on 16 Avenue, (the Times, Aug. 26).

The problem on 16th Avenue is the Township is treating this road like a city street. It is a highway and should be operated as a highway. The 60 km/h speed limit, less than 40 mph, just creates a lot of frustration.

There are truck drivers that have to hold on to the speed limit to keep their licences and income. The car traffic wants to  move at a more realistic speed, a highway speed.

It is not speed that kills but the difference in speed. The easy fix is to let the traffic go. Raise the speed limit to 80 km/h, a comfortable speed for this highway.

Reduce the number of frustrated drivers and you will reduce the number of accidents.

Try it for six months; let’s see what happens.

This ain’t rocket science.

John Winter,


Langley Times