LETTER: Do you want change or martyrdom?

Reader Shannon LeBlanc: "If you want your vote to truly count, then the fact is that we need to change to proportional representation."

Re: Letters condemning strategic voting

Some nice sentiments there but nothing practically applicable. It really does not matter what hypothetical argument you make or how high-minded you are about your ideals.

If you want your vote to truly count, then the fact is that we need to change to proportional representation. Can we do this with Stephen Harper? No. The Liberals and NDP both say they will do this.

Therefore, if you want your vote to actually be counted towards policies you support, you first need to vote to get rid of Harper.

Voting on a particular national issue is idealistic and a waste of this election if the party that supports it never gets into power. The only thing that matters right now is getting Harper out of power. Then changing the system. Then everyone’s votes will actually matter. Voting according to leaders or national issues is pointless if Harper wins again. First relevant point: get Harper out. Second point: proportional representation. Third point: everyone’s votes actually count towards what they believe in.

The reason the Conservatives win is because they have a strategy that uses the current system to their benefit. Anyone who does not support the Harper government needs to also use a strategy. Voting for a leader or a national issue will not remove the Conservatives from power.

So vote strategically according to whichever party has the best chance in your riding. And here in our riding it happens to be the NDP. In other ridings it is the Liberals. The time to argue hypotheticals is not now.

Now is the chance to stop complaining about Harper and finally do something effective. Stop arguing within the ranks and focus on what matters. Don’t listen to the negative people who don’t “believe” in strategy. There is always a strategy — let’s just make this one effective.

In this riding the Liberals and the Greens have no chance to win, but they could help the NDP win. Do we really want change, or do we want to be martyrs? Ask yourself that before you vote.

Shannon LeBlanc


Nelson Star