In response to the letter from Alan Pederson, of the Seventh Avenue Neighbourhood Coalition:
Life may be hard on Seventh Avenue, but is it not hard everywhere? While I have pity on you for the pain and suffering of traffic noises, I am baffled that when the city tries to help by encouraging people to bike, you also complain.
You are aware, are you not, that more people biking means fewer people driving?
And pity the poor homeowner who bought a house cheap because it was on a major traffic artery only to find that it remains a major traffic artery, and the value of his house increases slightly less than that of his neighbours a block up.
Excuse my sarcasm, Mr. Pederson, but as someone who cannot buy a house in this crazy market, who bikes and walks as much as possible (building up some formidable muscles on these hills) and who counts themselves among the lucky that I can afford to rent a home in this town and feed my kids, I will lose no sleep if you lose some of yours as the fire department does their job late at night.
Camille Atebe