Vedder Park and the designated area where alcohol consumption will be allowed started August 18, 2020 as part of a pilot project. (City of Chilliwack)

Vedder Park and the designated area where alcohol consumption will be allowed started August 18, 2020 as part of a pilot project. (City of Chilliwack)

LETTER: Drinking in public parks is a terrible idea

'What is next? Safe injection sites at the park?'

It is a sad day when the City of Chilliwack is promoting and condoning the open consumption of alcohol in our public parks.

• READ MORE: Drinking in two city parks to be allowed by Chilliwack council

I cannot begin to imagine how this was a subject of debate, let alone up for proposal. Shame on you [Coun. Bud] Mercer (being of police background) and worse, [Mayor Ken] Popove and Coun. Jason Lum for supporting this initiative. The response to any version of this proposal should be a vehement no.

We have sufficient and adequate (lawful) establishments for the purpose of consuming alcohol and if it’s “family” or “public” venues that irresponsible drinkers are seeking, then they need look no further than their own home, as it is perfectly legal for them to drink in front of their children at that location.

What would ever possess this city to entertain such a request?

Is it the squeaky wheel again?

Or is this a pathetic attempt to follow suit with the Vancouver Park Board who clearly have a reputation for being weak, feeble and lacking leadership. What is the definition of “responsible?” And who determines that definition? Worse yet, where are the resources and manpower to enforce this ridiculous notion? We don’t have the resources to enforce the bylaws in place now, so who’s policing this proposal?

What is next? Safe injection sites at the park? We can propose the bizarre idea as a way to “reduce harm – save lives” and maybe there won’t be needles strewn around?

Has city hall taken leave of all their sense of values and morals? Just say no. It’s not that hard and you’ll be supporting the majority of Chilliwack, not the squeaky wheels.

This decision needs to be dismissed.

Chester Malcolm


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