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LETTER: Embarrassed to be Canadian

Beattie Stanford of Harrison Mills grieves for the residential school victims

Dear Editor:

There is one residential school in Kamloops with 215 children buried there. What possible number of bodies could be found in the other 138 residential schools across this country leaves me greatly embarrassed to be a Canadian. From this nightmare, I strongly believe that North American travelers going to Europe will never wear the Canadian flag ever again.

The concept of residential schools didn’t start with John A. MacDonald; he didn’t dream up this work order to go commit genocide on Indigenous people. The cancer started with the British government and the royal family. They should be sued and so should the following: the Canadian government, the RCMP for not investigating the allegations, the Pope and the toxic politics he employs, the Protestant religion, too, for they were responsible for one-third of the terror in the schools.

No one wants to own this nightmare, and we’re left in a maze of finger-pointing.

Beattie Stanford

Harrison Mills

Agassiz-Harrison Observer