In relation to the veterans licence plates, it is a shame that they are all upset by the thought of other services using special recognition plates. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if other licence plates could be designed besides the veteran plates?
The Mounties could have their own licence plates with the silhouettes of a mounted police officer, similar to what is on their patrol cars now. The fire department could have a silhouette of a firefighter, same with the emergency services.
Instead of the word veteran, something else could be printed, such as “On Her Majesty’s Service,” “We served and protected,” “Service to Canada,” or even a greek one, “per audacia ad astra” (Through Boldness to the Stars). I’m sure there are many clever people that could come up with a design and motto to cover this honour?
This would leave the veterans with the honour they deserve of having their own licence plates. It would also give recognition to all the other services that protect us, by producing a licence plate by giving them this honour.
And I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those that protects us in times of war, and civil emergencies.
Paul Collins