Letter: Emergency room experience was (mostly) a positive one

Editor: They say that life can change in an instant — now I can also include this statement in my own day-by-day existence.

A few weeks ago I went for a walk to escape the winter doldrums and cabin fever. It was a cold day and there was ice everywhere.

Still, I carefully made my way down a favourite trail to watch birds or take a snow picture or two.

Suddenly, without warning, my whole body was airborne and I landed on my left wrist with a dreadful sound and a sudden pain. I held up my wrist and walked quickly home for help and an immediate trip to Langley Memorial Hospital emergency.

I felt every bump from the still-icy streets on the drive there.

Once there, the staff promptly sent me in for X-rays, then asked me to wait among the other unfortunate children and adults in pain from broken bones or coughing and crying as parents tried to remain patient and calm. I did OK with the pain, too as the day ticked slowly away.

Hours later I was in.

Inside the hospital awaited an impressive team of doctors and staff who explained exactly what needed to be done.

They were efficient and friendly and I was impressed and grateful.

Who would have ever known that “indestructible” me was going to be in a full elbow cast for the next few weeks?

For all the stories I have read about LMH emergency and my own family experiences, I can honestly say that I made the right choice going there. So, thanks again everyone, and to all others, please remember to be careful out there.

Anything can or will happen when we least expect it.

Marion Sherman,


Langley Times