Letter: Energy strategy invites trouble

The federal government is left holding the bag on a disaster

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

When you walk away from the best solution to a problem and look at other ways to solve it, you often invite trouble.

This seems to be particularly true when it comes to governments. Canada’s energy strategy is a case in point.

We have a province capable of supplying the fuel oil needs of the whole of Canada. We have a strategy whereby Canada imports oil at the East Coast and seeks to increase exports at the West Coast. Alberta has the capacity to supply Eastern Canada with a pipeline into and through Quebec. Quebec has told the federal government they will not allow this. Game over for that idea.

Fast forward to today. After shelling out some $4.5 billion to keep pushing increased West Coast exports from Alberta, the federal government is left holding the bag on a disaster.

John McLeod


Penticton Western News