Letter: Ethics kicked to the curb

‘Our founding fathers would be turning over in their graves if they were around today.’

Dear Editor,

My thoughts should not be taken out of context but I believe we are being led down the proverbial “garden path” by a minority group desiring to fall under what they call the “rainbow community”.

I by no means am against equality, but should someone speak out against this group, they are immediately branded as being discriminatory.

What other minority group has caused such a commotion and achieved legislation in the process? Can all the refugees coming into our country now start having parades led by our leaders and demanding legislation to boot?

I am told that our countries, both Canada and the USA, were founded on Judeo Christian principals yet Christian ethics are kicked to the curb on a daily basis. Schools are being told, no, forced to obey un-Christian practices (no prayer, ignore the Ten Commandments, leave Christ out of Christmas and Easter), the list seems to get larger as each day goes by.

I take my cues from comments made by the Judiciary Committee of Congress of 1854, George Washington, Daniel Webster. Benjimin Rudd and others. Their comments are too lengthy for this article but feel free to look them up. Let it suffice to say that our founding fathers would be turning over in their graves if they were around today. We are not the Christian countries our forefathers desired.

What has all this to do with the “rainbow community”, you ask? I say they are vying for recognition far and above what is necessary. Yes, they deserve equality, but at whose expense, are mine to be set aside to make room for others?

Flaunting yourself is not the way to go, I know you are out there, do you have to be in my face at every turn?

Ken Hinton, Brookswood



Langley Advance