Letter: Every land purchase for recreation has benefited Lake Country

Have faith that community groups, business and government will come to the table to help develop the rail trail.

To the editor:

We have one of those rare opportunities for direct democracy in our local government with the upcoming referendum on the rail trail, so get out and vote.

I am so thankful for the people who helped spearhead the purchase of Beasley Park. Their initiative eventually led to community groups building a field house, soccer fields, gazebo, playground and picnic area. The same can be said for all our parks and recreation facilities.

For many years, our local community group Walk Around Lake Country has been building trails on small road rights-of-way and public land. These trails are being used every day by our residents. Thankfully WALC did not get bogged down on studies and cost estimates—they had vision, enthusiasm and energy to get the job done one piece at a time.

Have faith that community groups, business and government will come to the table to help develop the rail trail. I spent 35 years in local government and I can tell you that every parcel of land ever purchased for Parks and Recreation benefited the community. The purchase of land is the first step. I can also tell you that I never thought I would see the day when the railway would become available to us—and what a bargain for so much lakefront, never mind the opportunities that will arise in the future.

Our roads, water and sewer services will get improved over time whether we purchase the railway or not. I do appreciate the people who voted no on the petition, it has helped us to get better information and now more funding partners.

A wise man I worked with once said doors open and close quickly on opportunities. This opportunity is ours to take and I am voting yes.

Randall Rose, Lake Country


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