
LETTER: Fairhaven is a hellhole

Theft, being threatened, young people running into traffic is no way to have housing


In reply to Wendy Tarasof’fs letter bemoaning attitudes to the homeless. I lived in Dauphin Park for a while when one day I was informed that the motel next door would be converted into housing for the homeless. I was informed, at an open house gathering, of all the positives this new development would bring.

OK, I thought, people have to live somewhere.

Well, within a month my open mindedness was sorely tested by unending swearing, items being stolen out of my deck fridge, people walking through my yard, and, on being challenged, swore at and threatened, car keyed, and that was just for starters. Soon, the police and ambulances started arriving, ambulances silently arriving to pick up OD’d bodies, or noisily arriving if the overdosed person was still alive. Drug-addicted young people (and that’s what really got me was all young people) running into the streets, forcing cars to squeal to a halt while an addict ran across the street to retrieve drugs that had been dropped off in the bushes beside Tim Horton’s. I can tell you my tolerance soon disappeared. Fairhaven was one hellhole.

Tom Keogh


Penticton Western News