
Letter: Food for thought on freighter anchorages

Constant ship generatore noise can disorient marine life

Food for thought on freighter anchorages

I have read at least one letter of support to allowing the large cargo ships to park in the waters of the Southern Gulf Islands.

I would like to quote from an article written by Peter Ommundsen, a board director of the Centre for Marine Affairs, in the April/May Watershed Sentinel.

“Multiple risks are associated with anchorages. Anchor chains scour the highly productive sea floor (benthic) ecosystem and release suffocating turbidity plumes. Constant ship generatore noise can disorient marine life, bilge water may contain invasive species and disease organisms, and anti-fouling compounds can leach into seawater. Bright lighting can disrupt planktonic migration, and air pollution can impact ocean acidity and human health.

“One anchored bulk carrier ship produces about ten tonnes of greenhouse gases per day. Pollution can concentrate locally because of a low ventilation index in the Southern Gulf Islands (classified a ‘high smoke sensitivity zone’ by the province). Accidental ship movements from anchor dragging can result in collisions, groundings, and spills of fuel oil. According to the Transportation Safety Board, there have been 102 reports of anchor-dragging since 2015.”

May this information give food for thought to any supporters who would allow this to continue.

Heather Browning

Mill Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen