LETTER: Get involved in trustee election

LETTER: Get involved in trustee election

Disinterest leads to acclamations

Dear Editor:

Hello Summerland. I spend every Friday in your beautiful town painting up a storm with many of my like-minded friends. I belong to the Summerland Pleasure Painters. Summerland is gifted with many talented artists.

I am imploring you for the sake of the children in your area to get involved in the school trustee election this year.

For far too many years voter disinterest has led to the acclamation of representatives in Summerland. This was brought home to all of us living in School District 67 this past term when Julie Planiden and Linda Van Alphen, your incumbents, voted to close one of your schools.

They both supported closure of Trout Creek School while supporting a 23 percent pay raise for Superintendent Wendy Hyer. Planiden refused comment at a board meeting when questioned.

Their failure in representing the best interests of Summerland has brought some new contenders on the scene. Julie, now living in Osoyoos, is running again for a seat representing your area.

David Stathers is a highly-respected teacher for 30 years at SSS whose daughter also taught at that school (before falling in love and moving to the coast)

And Peter Waterman, experienced at protocol as both an RDOS director and mayor and councillor of Summerland

Both will fight for Summerland’s best interests and you know Waterman speaks his mind and won’t be pushed around unlike Planiden and Van Alphen who hide behind a one-employee policy.

Elvena Slump


Summerland Review