To the editor:
I would like to respond to the letter titled Candidate Should Let God Speak for Himself (July 18 Capital News).
God would speak for himself if people would invite Him to.
In the last few decades, the general population has decided that God should be taken out of society in most all areas and so, God, being the perfect gentleman, backs off and lets mankind do his own thing.
We know where that has gotten us. God will not push or shove His way into our lives in any way. Even when you become a Christian, you invite the Lord into your life.
Mr. Rowe wants God to run this city, not himself. He wants the wisdom and agenda of God to lead and guide it to be a better place.
The Bible has answers for everything and God has spoken to mankind through it.
If you think God can’t do a better job running the world than anyone on the planet, think again.
But He will not come when He is not invited. And that is to our loss.
Karen Dyck,
West Kelowna