
Letter: Government dropping the ball on old growth logging

What will it take to have at least a moratorium on the cutting down of these parts of our province?

Government dropping the ball on old growth logging

Copy of a letter to the B.C. government:

Hello, I am a B.C. resident concerned about the continued disturbing trend of logging in B.C. and more particularily, Vancouver Island. I am a business owner and I am lucky enough to live on this Island and I cherish even the second growth forests we hike through. To think that with the knowledge and/or the research recently done on how a forest functions that we can even consider cutting down old growth forests anymore is reprehensible. What will it take to have at least a moratorium on the cutting down of these beautiful parts of our province?

You and I have an opportunity here to step up and protect our forests. Just because we did things this way in the past does not make them right. We are learning that in spades these days.

I am very concerned and I really believe you are “dropping the ball” on this issue. I am beggining to believe that the only way to get your attention is to show up. I saw 80 and 90 year olds in Fairy Creek and it humbled me to see what they are they are willing to risk on our behalf. Before the rest of us join them I think you need to step up now and do what is right.

Kevin Clancy

Shawnigan Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen