Letter: Grey dog park on map a true-to-life depiction

Sports fields on maps are depicted in a lovely green colour…but the dog parks are grey to match their gravel, mud condition.

To the editor:

Sunday, Jan. 12,  looked like just another mild winter day, lacking Saturday’s sunshine but still good weather for a walk with the dog.

When I drove up to the Mission Dog Park gravel parking lot, I noticed a new Parks Services sign.  I got out of the car to get a closer look.

All the sports fields are depicted in a lovely green colour. But the dog park which, by the way, could fit multiple times into any one of the sportsfields, is shown in a grey colour—the same as the gravel parking lot.

Then I saw the condition of the dog park, and the few wet and muddy dogs whose guardians had ventured into the mire. Yes, grey is indeed a suitable colour to represent the dog park.

I congratulate the person who designed the sign. Truth in advertising! What next?

Helen Schiele,



Kelowna Capital News