Dozens of tractors rode down 104th Avenue in Whalley Saturday afternoon (March 13, 2021) as part of one of the ‘Basmodi Wave’ events happening across the Lower Mainland for the next several weeks to continue to draw attention to the farmers protests in India. (Photo: Lauren Collins)

LETTER: Guest column on India’s farm bills was informative

Harjote Sumbal wrote a guest column for the Surrey Now-Leader

The Editor,

Re: “Why Canadians should care about India’s farm bills,” the Now-Leader, March 11.

Please pass along my thanks to your guest columnist Harjote Sumbal for his well-crafted and informative article.

I see he is a second-year law student. His logical and erudite explanation of the issues behind the farmworker protests suggest he has a promising career ahead of him as a politician once he completes his law studies.

I look forward to seeing his name on a ballot here in Surrey a few years down the road.

Terry Lawrence, Surrey

edit@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow us on Twitter

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