
LETTER: Hazardous trees and more frequent storms

From reader Brian Zacharias

On Blewett Road between Sandy Creek and Bedford Road there are four hazardous trees on the road allowance. One large pine tree is leaning towards the middle of the road. It has a large scar on its trunk at the base. This tree could very well come down in the next wind storm. If it did, it would take out several power lines and Telus and Shaw lines.

There is also a fir tree that is well over 100 years old and over 45 metres tall. It is directly above a house and if it comes down on that house, it would be disastrous. There are also two, long since dead, tall cottonwood trees that could come down, who knows when.

Who is responsible for these hazards to life and property? We are faced with rising power costs as a result of more frequent and severe wind storms. It would be a good idea for Nelson Hydro, Shaw Cable, Telus, the Ministry of Transportation and Highways and the RDCK to pool their resources and hire a crew to remove these trees. The cost of removal is a fraction of the possible cost of these trees coming down.

Brian Zacharias


Nelson Star