The Art Infiniti Hotel caught fire on New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31, 2020) in Maple Ridge. Seven people were evacuated safely. (Barry Brinkman/Special to The News)

LETTER: Headline about Maple Ridge fire victim insensitive

Senior lost everything in Dec. 31 fire and letter writer felt denture reference inappropriate

Dear Editor,

[RE: Maple Ridge hotel fire evacuee hoping for her teeth,, Jan. 8]

That’s a pretty insensitive headline for a senior lady who is in dire straits after losing everything? And in a fire no less!

I thought the headline was going for a light comedic touch. I’m sure others did, too.

Three cheers for the hotel management who helped them.

It would have been nice if a gofundme or something of that sort could have been included in the column.

Lynda M Haigh, Pitt Meadows


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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News