Letter: Horse slaughter, Canada's dirty little secret

Letter: Horse slaughter, Canada’s dirty little secret

Calling all Canadians to please sign the federal petition e-1699, regarding the shipment of live draft horses to slaughter for human consumption in Japan. It takes moments to sign online and is open to all Canadian citizens, including those under 18.

Calling all Canadians to please sign the federal petition e-1699, regarding the shipment of live draft horses to slaughter for human consumption in Japan. It takes moments to sign online and is open to all Canadian citizens, including those under 18.

Horses are stockpiled in filthy feedlots with no shelter, overfed to the point of obesity, then trucked to Calgary, Edmonton or Winnipeg airports where they are crowded into small wooden crates and often left on the tarmac for hours, exposed to de-icer fluids and the roar of jet engines, before being loaded into the belly of a plane for a gruelling journey that can legally last up to 36 hours without food or water.

Related: BC horse angels hop to end practice of horse slaughter

Legislation regarding the number and size of animals in crates is ignored. Horses that go down during a flight cannot get back up, and at least one entire shipment has arrived dead when the plane’s cooling system failed.

Horses have given us their trust and loyalty and built our country.

Is this how we thank them? Horse slaughter is Canada’s dirty secret!

Please consider taking a few seconds to sign. It’s time for citizens to stand behind compassionate change for all animals in Canada.

Belinda Lyall, B.C. Horse Angels

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