LETTER: Hospice coordinator earns a big thank you

Every day our community thrives through the work of volunteers. The physicians, nurses, and office staff of West Coast Family Medical Clinic would like to thank one of those volunteers publicly.


Every day our community thrives through the work of volunteers. The physicians, nurses, and office staff of West Coast Family Medical Clinic would like to thank one of those volunteers publicly.

Toya Jacobsen has retired as the Sooke Hospice volunteer coordinator after many years of tireless service to our community. She served as a communications hub between the physicians, nurses, Hospice volunteers, clients and their families. She met every new Hospice client, carefully explained Hospice services, regularly contacted them to ensure their needs were met, arranged for volunteers to come to their homes and often was found delivering critical medical equipment in the evenings, on weekends and usually on very short notice.

Toya managed to coordinate an ever-expanding and changing group of health-care providers and thoughtfully provided us with a meeting space twice a month to work together to ensure that clients’ needs were met.

Her focus was always on the client, and she vehemently advocated for them. Because of Toya, so many of our friends, neighbours and families were able to spend their last days cared for and loved, in their own homes, on their terms. And these are just the things that we know about – there was likely even more than she did that we were not aware of.

Toya, we cannot thank you enough, and we wish you all the best for this next chapter!

And thank you to every Sooke volunteer for all that you do to improve our community.

Tracy Forsberg

West Coast Family Medical Clinic

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