LETTER: Housing proposal would have helped the disadvantaged

It is with great dismay that this (a supportive housing proposal in the downtown) was defeated.

It is with great dismay that this (a supportive housing proposal in the downtown) was defeated. This would have helped very disadvantaged people. They all have problems whether it be mental problems, drug or alcohol addictions. I am wondering what the city is going to do declaring itself a not-in-my-backyard city and ignore and persecute the homeless so they will move on. It is a sad commentary for a city who is supposed to have Christians residing here. Please do not tell me that I don’t understand the problems because I had a family member with some of the problems.

I know that we desperately need the services and no one should be turning down financing that was in place if the project had been approved.

(Coun. Patricia) Ross is very correct: you are playing with people’s lives.

I guess maybe it comes down to who controls the vote so re-election will be easier.

My comments may not be appreciated but disappointment in your politicians really makes you think.

Liz Swark

Abbotsford News