Letter: Hydro smart meter has us ‘by our electricity’

…my hydro went down to the point of them always crediting me and since this meter went in now its way up there.

To the editor:

I am writing this letter because I got the shock of my life with my hydro bill because I apparently owed them $36 and so I went onto my billing site and noticed since August of 2013 that I got an adjustment from $138. to $144 a month and then November it went to $167.

And we had had our smart meters put in in September 2012.

There has been no change in my usage on the data charts but as this lady said to me—it’s called economy increase.

Excuse me, I said, $38 a month extra increase, what? I live in a mobile and have been here for 23 years and since I got my addition torn down because of problems, my hydro went down to the point of them always crediting me and since this meter went in now its way up there. I said there is something wrong and I would like this checked out please and she said to me that is fine but if they don’t find nothing wrong on their terms then I will be charged. Wow!

What bothers me is when they were about to put the smart readers in they said that we would not find any changes, maybe by a couple of dollars but also we should notice changes to lower our bills, Really, cause all I noticed is this major increase in the bill and there is nothing we can do about it. They have us by our electricity.

Lana Evans,



Kelowna Capital News