Dear Editor,
Here’s a question for the readers to ponder.
A homeopathy store in Port Coquitlam was warned about its claims to have a cure for COVID-19.
Homeopathy in the best of times is nothing more then quackery, which can harm people.
And this is not the best of times by any means.
Yet no one seemed upset that a televangelist, through his office set up in Langley, recently told his gullible followers that if they fondle their TV sets that he, for a donation to Jesus, would not only protect them from the virus – but cure them.
Why haven’t authorities shut down that obvious snake-oil hawker while going after homeopathy?
Both should be quarantined as dangers to public health.
Quackery in any form is still quackery and needs to be firmly shut down especially when a cure for COVID-19 is promoted when medical specialists have said that there is no cure.
When a cure does come, it will come from scientists and those medical experts who specialize in dealing with viruses and not from charlatans.
Robert T. Rock, Mission
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