Letter: Incorporating a community not all it’s cracked up to be

The only changes were a very expensive city hall and very well paid CUPE workers were hired to lean on shovels.

To the editor:

Further to the letter from Edna Thiessen in the latest June 17 Capital News (Disgruntled Residents Are Not Majority).

We lived and paid taxes in Lake Country since 1967. After it was incorporated, taxes started to rise at a very quick pace but the quality of service never changed.

The only changes were a very expensive city hall was built and very well paid CUPE workers were hired to lean on shovels.

The CUPE members just recently signed a contract with a eight per cent wage increase and time off with pay for ”unforeseen circumstances.”  All this and a $15 million debt!

Trust me, taxes are far less here and the service is the same.

Anyone who is trying to incorporate Ellison must have their own private agenda and I wish you nothing but failure.

Dave Ulvaan, Lake Country


Kelowna Capital News