Langley Township council is pondering changing the use of the indicated plot from agricultural to industrial. The purple lands are existing industrial lands in the Gloucester Industrial Park, and the dark green areas are ravines and rivers, and the light green areas were set aside for a “golf course” that was never built and remain largely natural. (Township of Langley/Special to the Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: Isn’t the ALC supposed to protect Langley’s agricultural lands?

Local letter writer is watching the Township application to expand an industrial park

Dear Editor,

[Re: Langley council ponders transforming 36-acre site into industrial land,, May 14]

Just wanted to write a letter regarding the application to remove 36 acres out of the ALR and add it to land in the Gloucester Estates Industrial Park.

Isn’t it the primary objective of the original Land Commission Act was to preserve agricultural land and encourage the establishment and maintenance of farms?

The ALC is strict about non-farm uses and non adhering residential uses by the owners, but the greed in creatingindustrial use for its own revenue-creating purposes is contradictory.

Fazia Khan, Yorkson


• READ MORE: 2012 ALC decision on properties adjacent to the industrial park

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