Editor, the Gazette
I would like to make clear that the recommendation that I submitted to Council was just that and not “for information” asprinted in the Gazette in the “How They Voted” feature. Showing it as “information” and showing all Council members with acheck mark only indicates that members have read this. I specifically state in my email that this is a recommendation. Iunderstand from your reporter that the Gazette has no option but to print this as submitted to the Gazette by the City andthis is misleading.
I recommended to council that with the leaving of our former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) that this would be anopportune time to have the city’s operations scrutinized by the same knowledgeable person that did this in 2003 or 2004. Hesubmitted a report, commissioned by the city, covering public works, governance and finance. This gentleman lives inChristina Lake. Has a wealth of knowledge and experience in city administrations and he has indicated to me that his costwould be minimal. The mayor and the majority of council rejected this out of hand. He would also be invaluable in assessingcandidates for the CAO position. What’s to lose? The residents of Grand Forks deserve better than this from our Council.
Stan Halluk
Grand Forks
Editor’s Note: Mr. Halluk’s recommendation was submitted to the City of Grand Forks and was listed as an item forinformation in the public agenda. The city did not submit it to the Gazette — the information and language were in the publicdocuments of the council agenda — and the Gazette correctly indicated that the item was received for information by council.