Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to express my concerns about the use of vapes and e-cigarettes among teens in our community.
I believe vaping is a major issue among youth not only in our community, but across the entire country, and that further awareness needs to be brought to it. As reports of vaping-related illness are becoming more and more prevalent, I believe more needs to be done in order to keep vapes out of the hands of teens and educate them on the risks involved with vaping. My hope is that my article will help in doing so.
As vaping has been on the rise among youth in North America, reported cases of vaping-related illnesses have become more and more prevalent. These reports include hundreds of medical cases cause by the use of vapes and E-cigarettes, and at least six confirmed deaths.
Cases of such illnesses, however, haven’t been reported in Canada until very recently. London, Ont., had the first case of vaping-related illness in Canada.
Aislinn A.
Editor’s note: Writing 11 students of Walnut Grove Secondary teacher Vince Rahn were tasked with opinion writing, finding it’s more difficult to put down reasoned arguments than simply tossing out cliches or venting.
“They were able to choose any current relevant topic,” Rahn explained.
Students were graded based on how they presented their information and arguments. The assignment also included having to hand write the pieces and send them to the Langley Advance Times via snail mail, an experience fewer and fewer young people have nowadays. It mirrors an assignment he gave to his students many years ago, before the internet and social media.
“Yes, I have done this quite some time ago, but this time I insisted that they go ‘old school’ and put into an envelope with a cover letter, etc.,” he explained.
Please keep any feedback respectful and age appropriate.