Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek organized the Winter Wonderland fund-raiser which was Jan. 25, 2020. (Langley Advance Times file)

LETTER: Langley City mayor voices support for department RCMP superintendent

Mayor said she's been working to get senior RCMP officer back

Dear Editor,

Re: [LETTER: Resident lambasts Langley City mayor and council over gala aftermath,, May 26]

I want Amy and everyone else to know that I supported and will continue to support Murray Power 100 per cent.

He was removed by the RCMP without any consultation or notice to the City or Township of Langley. I have continuously worked with Mayor Froese and the Township to have him returned.

I share your frustrations but can assure you that I have done everything within my authority to prevent this from happening.

As for the gala, we did our jobs – as mayor, it is part of my duty under the Community Charter to build community relations. Previous Langley mayors have done events like this.

We brought the community together and helped raise $56,000 for our local hospital to buy medical equipment for women’s health issues. I believe in helping my community to make it safer and healthier for everyone. Raising funds for our hospital allows taxpayer money to be better spent at other levels.

As I have a bit more knowledge and information than I can share, what I can say is that I have no concerns about the actions of the RCMP members including Supt. Power. They stepped up to support our community with their time and their own money.

There was no scheme. The RCMP members contributed over $9,000 of their own money to the evening and that is a positive community supported action.

Two reviews have shown that. The first independent review clearly indicates, and I will quote from Mr. Gill’s Report: The investigation did identify that this gala review was just another matter of conflict within the council …it is important to note that issues I heard about transcend the gala.”

Some politicians on City council have engaged in personal attacks on myself since before the last election. The successful Mayor’s Gala was just another topic they sought to create chaos for their own personal reasons.

The independent Langley City investigator Mr. Paul Gill found the event was properly conducted and did not violate any local laws or policy. I will continue to serve in the best interests of Langley City first and foremost, and hope all of council will focus on the same.

Amy, I share your concerns and I also wish Supt. Power well as he deserves much better than this. He and his members gave so much to all of us, and this repayment was not appropriate. I can only hope the truth fully comes out at some point in time because that is what everyone deserves. Unfortunately, some wrong things in life cannot be rectified.

Mayor Val van den Broek, Langley City


• READ MORE: Langley’s top cop reassigned amid charity gala questions

• READ MORE: Additional review of Langley City mayor’s gala ordered by council

• READ MORE: Langley City council orders third report on mayor’s gala along with review of policing

Langley Advance Times