Dear Editor,
As a nurse working in the [Langley Memorial Hospital] LMH emergency department, I would like to extend a huge thank you from our department to the community for coming together and showing so much love and support over the past few weeks!
The support does not go unnoticed, and we are so grateful for all the expressions of appreciation.
From the food and treats, to the painted rocks and signs, to the hand lotion and gifts, please know all the appreciation is so valued and humbling.
Thank you so much to all the local restaurants who have dropped off food, and to the individuals who have bought us meals!
Thank you to those who have donated PPE to keep us safe.
Ripples Winery and Resurrection Spirits, thank you for all the sanitizer.
Special thanks also to the ladies within the Fraser Valley Quilting Guild, the Langley Quilting Guild – as well as Cheryl Reid, Kimiko Carlson, Deanna Murray, Lori Hollmann, Deb Nicholls, and Kathleen Vanderleest – who all took the time to sew dozens and dozens of scrub caps, cloth bags, head bands, and face masks for our department.
Every single donation and gesture has been so appreciated.
Our deepest gratitude to everyone for keeping us safe and showing support.
Thank you!
Miranda Hollmann, Surrey
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