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Submit letters to the editor through our website, via email or in writing.

LETTER: Langley man says math doesn’t add up on CERB

Where will Canada get the money to subsidize people when so many Canadians are out of work?

Dear Editor,

Pandemic wage subsidies expected to top $100 billion.

The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) has been extended until June of 2021.

Pandemic wage subsidies will cost $83.6 billion by year’s end and are expected to surpass $100 billion this winter.

• READ MORE: Early figures for new aid and EI provide glimpse of how post-CERB supports to be used

As of July 5, just under 19 million Canadians had applied for the benefit and more than $54 billion had been paid out.

Where will the government find the money to continue subsidising well into June when most Canadians will be out of work. CERB won’t save us.

Dean Clark, Langley


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Langley Advance Times