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LETTER: Langley man wants to hear about something other than pandemic

A City resident says he's fed up with the media's constant harping on COVID-19

Dear Editor,

I wonder what happened to just everyday news, anybody else?

You watch the news or read the newspaper and what’s the main topic each and everyday?

Yup, you guessed it, COVID. They’re either telling us how many new cases there are, or how many people have died, and oh yeah, what the new regulations are.

I could say what else they cover, but it would take forever to list them all.

• READ MORE: People appreciate life more, grieve differently in pandemic

I don’t know if they’re trying to make everybody feel depressed about this terrible virus that we’re faced with or what.

But I for one, would like to hear more about some of the other things, that are going on in this great country of ours, instead of COVID this and COVID that.

Enough already!

Bradley Niessen, Langley City


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Langley Advance Times